Friday 05th May 2023
Your development matters!
Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.

In this bulletin:
Access to Teaching Opportunities: please let us know about your experience
Upcoming Bristol Clear opportunities
Training from other providers

Access to Teaching Opportunities: please let us know about your experience
Have you been involved in teaching activities? Would you like to teach but have not had any opportunity to do so?
Please let us know about your access to teaching opportunities by completing this short survey.
This survey is open to all research staff in a Pathway 2 (P2) role at the University. The focus of this survey is to collect data on access to teaching opportunities for research staff to monitor the implementation of the Policy on teaching opportunities for P2 staff.
Upcoming Bristol Clear and Other Opportunities
Places are now available on the following courses:
- 09 May 11:00-12:15- Intro to Research Funding (Health & Life Sciences) waiting list
- 11 May 10:00-13:00- Presenting with Confidence for Researchers
- 16 May 19:30-16:30- Project Management Tools for Managing your Research Project (in person)
- 16 May 10:00-12:00- Optimising your LinkedIn Profile (in person) waiting list
- 17 May 10:30-15:30- Networking for Researchers- A Strategic Approach (in person)
- 18 May 12:00-13:00- Career Journeys: Discovering Careers Outside of Academia
- 24 May 09:30-13:00- Working Towards a Lectureship (in person)
- 06 June 09:30-12:45- Being Strategic About Your Career as a Researcher
- 07 June 14:00-15:30- Intro to Research Funding [Arts & SSL)
- 12 June 12:00-13:00- Promotion and End of Contract Q&A
- 14 June 13:30-17:00- Strong Roots (in person)
- 15 June 10:00-13:00- Interview Confidence
- 20 June 10:00-13:00- Developing Your Career Plan (in person)
- 21 June 13:30-17:00- Working Towards a Lectureship (STEM) in person
- 28 June 14:00-15:00- Intro to Writing a Grant Proposal (Arts + SSL)
- 29 June 10:00-12:30- How to Peer Review Manuscripts for Journals (in person)
To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles.
To book a place when registration has closed, please email sd-course@bristol.ac.uk

How can we improve research culture at Bristol
If you have a suggestion, or any thoughts or comments about research culture at Bristol,
let us know through this suggestions box.
Contact: If you’d like to discuss research culture, get in touch with Marcus Munafò, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research Culture at
Developing Effective Conversations (Coaching skills)
This interactive programme (2 x face-to-face half days and 1 x 2hr online session) will empower and equip you to use this style in your management/leadership role. For more information please click
Workshop dates (3 parts)
• Workshop 1 (face-to-face): Tues 9 May, 9:30am-1pm
• Action Learning (online): Mon 12 June, 11am-1pm
• Workshop 2 (face-to-face): Thurs 20 July, 2pm-4:30pm
BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account – deadline for applications 11th May
The Division of Research, Enterprise and Innovation are pleased to announce the BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account call is now open for 2023. Two competitive awards will support projects which de-risk early translation, explore potential markets, advance the translation of research or engage relevant partners. All pathway staff may apply. Funding must be spent by 31st March 2024. The application form and guidelines can be found on the SharePoint page here.
- Concept Development Award – Concept development awards of up to £10,000 for pilot studies to demonstrate the concept of a proposed solution to a societal need.
- Impact Plus Award – Awards of up to £40,000 For projects with a clear opportunity and route to market; and for projects with a clear route to external funding such as BBSRC Follow On Fund. Projects will be developed with our Commercialisation Managers and will include a statement on commercial potential and IP position, cash/in-kind contributions from industry and/or a market analysis to ensure value for money and a strong position for further investment..
If you have any questions regarding the call, please contact lucy.lilwall@bristol.ac.uk.
Grab a slice of the media limelight…
Are you an academic, researcher or PhD candidate who wants to highlight your research and expertise to a global public audience?
The Conversation is a popular news analysis and evidence-based opinion website featuring content written by academics, with editorial support from professional journalists. The articles, routinely picked up by other major national and international media titles, have a monthly audience of 14 million in the UK and more than 64 million across the world. To help you make the most of this great opportunity, a one-hour online media training session is being held on Wednesday, 17 May at 2pm and everyone is welcome.
The interactive session will:
- Give pointers on how to create a winning written pitch
- Explain different approaches and article types
- Offer tips on style, tone, and structure for writing the piece.
Plenty of examples will be provided for illustration and you’ll also be walked through The Conversation’s editorial process. The session is free to attend – simply sign up here to secure your place. Numbers are limited so book in now!
Healthtech social 17th May
To celebrate the first theme in this year’s Event Series exploring all things healthtech, join DREI on Wednesday 17th May for an informal get together with folk from the cluster. Come along to share your healthtech related thoughts, challenges, asks and advice, all helped along with refreshments and pizza.
Whether you’re a digital health startup looking to make new connections, a biotech scaleup seeking investment, a funder seeking promising projects, or an academic looking to collaborate with industry innovators, register today to connect, innovate and collaborate.
To sign up for this event, please visit this eventbrite page.
Handling Challenging Conversations
Wednesday 24th May, 09.30-12.30
This course will support you to have effective and positive conversations both face-to-face and virtually. We will focus on adopting a coaching approach to these conversations and will use a range of practical tools and techniques to develop confidence. Enrol via Develop.
SETsquared Idea2Pitch event
Do you have a great business idea, but don’t know where to start? Or are you unsure what to do in order to grow your technology company? SETSquared Bristol’s Idea2Pitch will help hone your ideas, and shape them into a pitch for gaining interest or support in your venture. Reserve your free spot here!
Rapid Research funding for interdisciplinary health research
The Elizabeth Blackwell Institute has short-term funding available to support interdisciplinary health-related research activities (including development of approaches and connections, coordination work or research) in preparation for external grant applications.
Full details and application form are on the Institute Funding page. Application deadline is midday 25 May 2023 and funding needs to be spent by 31 July 2023. We are supporting health-related research in any context, encourage participation of colleagues from all Faculties and are particularly interested in the following areas:
- equitable and sustainable health
- climate, environment and health
- infectious disease research
- mental health
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Nina Couzin, to discuss ideas, or Sarah Blackmore on ebi-health@bristol.ac.uk for process queries.
Working with Industry- exciting development opportunity for those who want to to work with Industry
We are excited to announce that we will be holding a valuable set of workshop series for technicians and researchers who want to work with Industry. The workshops will be focusing on how to utilise an opportunity with to work with industry, how to engage with industry and how to effectively communicate with industry partners. These workshops are open to technicians and researchers who fit within the BBSRC remit, and who are interested in furthering their relationship with industry or want start a new one. These workshops are free to attend and have been funded by the Impact Development team. There are three workshops available to attend in June which will be online via Zoom, for more information and a chance to sign up for this extremely beneficial opportunity, please visit this eventbrite page.
Any questions, please contact lucy.lilwall@bristol.ac.uk.

Research Culture Uncovered Series
Leeds University are posting weekly podcasts on all matters relating to research culture. During these conversations, Research Culture Uncovered will be asking what is Research Culture and why does it matter?
See all Research Culture Uncovered Podcasts– also on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Google and Develop.
BBSRC FTMA Tools and Technologies Translational Support Fund
Gain exclusive access to an external expert to help you to develop plans for the translation or commercialisation of research tools and enabling technologies arising from research in the BBSRC remit. If you have a research tool or enabling technology project that you would like to progress, this is a unique and worthwhile opportunity for project teams that sit within the BBSRC remit (which must include and ECR) to access 1:1 mentoring with our new Entrepreneur in Resident Tajinder Mattu expert in the relevant field.
We are looking for innovative technologies to address current challenges/bottlenecks in human health & disease, agriculture, and animal health. Supported activities might include:
- Developing translational plans
- Understanding industry needs
- Support for introductory conversations with potential project partners
- Exploring applications of technologies and markets
If you would like to benefit from this exciting opportunity, please download the application form which can be found on the Sharepoint Page. If you have any questions, please contact lucy.lilwall@bristol.ac.uk and susie.maier@bristol.ac.uk
Gain exclusive access to an external expert to take your research to the next level!
Would you like to have a free 1-2-1 expert consultation with one of our Experts in Residents?
Taj Mattu and Richard Seabrook are available to offer you specialist advice and support to develop your research through the translational pathway. They both have a combined wealth of crucial knowledge, having experience working in industry and directing their own businesses (360 Biomedical Ltd, Nidor Diagnostics). Both Taj and Richard are more than happy to talk to researchers to help advance their research and offer any advise on licensing, IP and academic translation.
If you would like to set up a consultation with Richard or Taj, please contact lucy.lilwall@bristol.ac.uk
Researcher support tools
The Research Application and Award Lifecycle describes the processes to follow from having an initial idea for a research project, to securing funding, through to project delivery and using project outputs. To clarify, simplify and strengthen the current process, a suite of researcher support tools is now available on the RED SharePoint site.
These tools will be piloted until early 2023 when engagement will be reviewed with a view to rolling out permanently. If you have any questions or feedback about the tools or the wider End-to-End project, please contact the project manager: katie.glenton-wall@bristol.ac.uk.
Enhancing Research Culture: post-project case studies
Over 30 research projects were funded by Research England to enhance the research culture at the University. These projects are now reaching their conclusion, and the Enhancing Research Culture team are looking forward to sharing further information on their findings over the next couple of months. Three project case studies are now available to read: Untold Stories – Challenging research behaviours for study of the past; The Inclusive Research Collective; and Supporting Neurodivergent Research Culture. To learn more, visit the Enhancing Research Culture website.
Training From Other Providers
Follow the link above for details on online training courses currently available