Celebrating Technicians
Reception Room, Wills Memorial Building
19th June 11:30AM – 2PM
Technicians are a vital part of the research process, supporting and furthering innovative and ground-breaking research endeavours across all Schools and Faculties at the University of Bristol. This event focuses on the past, present and future of the role of technicians in academia.
We’ll be joined by Kelly Vere MBE, Higher Education Engagement Manager and Technician Commitment Programme Director, along with Andy Connelly, writer for Technician Journey, and Catrin Harris, Technical Community Research Fellow for the Talent Project, University of Nottingham. Hear three talks on the role of technicians contributing to the success of research projects across the U.K.’s research landscape.
Join us to;
- Celebrate the excellent work carried out by technicians in the research space
- Join the discussion with an expert panel on the importance of technical support in research
- Network with academic, technical and professional services colleagues and forge new links across the University
Catering (canapes, drinks and snacks) will be provided at this free event.
Register via Eventbrite
Free open online event for AHSS Researchers- 4th July
You are warmly invited to join Queens University of Belfast for #ECRday2023 on 4th July 2023 (9.30am-7.30pm), a day of online talks exploring life after the PhD for those with a PhD in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Graduate students, postdocs, early (and not so early!) career scholars and interested parties—especially those with supervision or mentoring responsibilities—are all very welcome to join.
The talks will cover a variety of topics, including the skills needed to navigate post-PhD life in academia and careers beyond the university; they will also be joined by a representative from the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Director of the Leverhulme Trust, Professor Anna Vignoles.
The day will conclude with an ‘Engaged Research Masterclass’, which will appeal to students and academics at all stages of their careers. *Please note that registration for the ‘Engaged Research Masterclass’ is separate*.
For more information and booking details of both events, please follow this link: https://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/pdc/Funding/ECRday2023/
BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account Round 2- deadline for applications 5th July
We are pleased to announce the second round of BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account call is now open. Two competitive awards will support projects which de-risk early translation, explore potential markets, advance the translation of research or engage relevant partners. All pathway staff may apply. Funding must be spent by 31st March 2024. The application form and guidelines can be found on the SharePoint page.
- Concept Development Award – Concept development awards of up to £10,000 for pilot studies to demonstrate the concept of a proposed solution to a societal need.
- Impact Plus Award – Awards of up to £40,000 For projects with a clear opportunity and route to market; and for projects with a clear route to external funding such as BBSRC Follow On Fund. Projects will be developed with our Commercialisation Managers and will include a statement on commercial potential and IP position, cash/in-kind contributions from industry and/or a market analysis to ensure value for money and a strong position for further investment..
If you have any questions regarding the call, please contact lucy.lilwall@bristol.ac.uk.
Celebrating MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) 2023- Deadline 5th July
The MRC IAA is now open for applications! Applicants can now apply for funding that aims to support the translation of scientific discoveries in Bristol’s portfolio intervention with broad, lasting impact on human health.
Translational research is the application of fundamental research to create innovations in the diagnosis, treatment, management, or prevention of disease. Applicants can apply for up to £100,000 for translational projects lasting 6-12 months.
If you would like to apply and read more about the scheme, please visit out SharePoint page here. If you would like to speak to one of the team about your project and whether it is eligible for the scheme, please contact lucy.lilwall@bristol.ac.uk
Research Culture Uncovered Series Narrative CV bootcamp for Faculty of Science- in person
With increasing numbers of funders now opting to use a narrative CV (often described as a Résumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI)) as part of their research funding application process, Science colleagues may be interested in attending this CV bootcamp. The narrative CV format aims to recognise diverse contributions, backgrounds, and careers, and discourages an overreliance on decontextualised metrics such as Journal Impact Factor. At the University of Bristol, narrative CVs are also increasingly used for promotions to recognise diverse contributions to the University. Please note this is for Faculty of Science colleagues only.
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Research Culture Uncovered Series
Leeds University are posting weekly podcasts on all matters relating to research culture. During these conversations, Research Culture Uncovered will be asking what is Research Culture and why does it matter?
Recent episodes include:
- LinkedIn Tips and Strategies for Researchers
- From Academia to Industry and across 3 Countries
- A Career Built on Collaboration
See all Research Culture Uncovered Podcasts– also on Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Google and Develop.
Gain exclusive access to an external expert to take your research to the next level!
Would you like to have a free 1-2-1 expert consultation with one of our Experts in Residents?
Taj Mattu and Richard Seabrook are available to offer you specialist advice and support to develop your research through the translational pathway. They both have a combined wealth of crucial knowledge, having experience working in industry and directing their own businesses (360 Biomedical Ltd, Nidor Diagnostics). Both Taj and Richard are more than happy to talk to researchers to help advance their research and offer any advise on licensing, IP and academic translation.
If you would like to set up a consultation with Richard or Taj, please contact lucy.lilwall@bristol.ac.uk
Researcher support tools
The Research Application and Award Lifecycle describes the processes to follow from having an initial idea for a research project, to securing funding, through to project delivery and using project outputs. To clarify, simplify and strengthen the current process, a suite of researcher support tools is now available on the DREI SharePoint site. These tools will be piloted until early 2023 when engagement will be reviewed with a view to rolling out permanently. If you have any questions or feedback about the tools or the wider End-to-End project, please contact the project manager: katie.glenton-wall@bristol.ac.uk.
Enhancing Research Culture: post-project case studies
Over 30 research projects were funded by Research England to enhance the research culture at the University. These projects are now reaching their conclusion, and the Enhancing Research Culture team are looking forward to sharing further information on their findings over the next couple of months. Three project case studies are now available to read: Untold Stories – Challenging research behaviours for study of the past; The Inclusive Research Collective; and Supporting Neurodivergent Research Culture. To learn more, visit the Enhancing Research Culture website.
Training From Other Providers
Follow the link above for details on online training courses currently available