Bristol Clear Bulletin- 02nd February

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team, bristol-clear

Focus on

Prosper: Explore

Prosper is a portal filled to the brim with great resources for postdocs, managers of researchers and institutions to aid researcher career development.  

In the “Explore” section, you can find resources and tools to help you develop your self-awareness and identify your career goals, including articles, assessments, and exercises.

Action for you: Set aside time to Explore and identify 1-2 resources that can help you become clearer about your next career step.

In the next bulletin, we will focus on “Act”

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 05 February 11:00-12:00- Drop in Q&A on the Research Project Life Cycle 
  • 05 February 10:00-12:30- Bristol Clear 1:1s
  • 06 February 14:00-15:00- Introduction to Post-Award research finance – monitoring and budgeting 
  • 08 February 10:30-12:30- Advanced influencing policy:​ How to engage with policymakers and the policy-making process  
  • 09 February 09:30-12:30- Engaged Research: why and how to embed Public Engagement in your research (in person)
  • 13 February 09:30-13:00- Narrative CV writing workshop (in person)
  • 20 February 11:00-12:00- An introduction to Public Engagement with Research: involving the public in your research
  • 26 February 09:30-12:00- Discovering Career Support for Researchers at Bristol
  • 27 February 10:00-11:30- Intro to Research Funding [Sci+Eng]
  • 27 February 09:30-12:00- Managing Research Teams (in person)
  • 28 February 14:00-15:00- Intro to Research Funding [Health and Life Science]
  • 28 February 09:30-13:00- Healthy and Sustainable Productivity Habits- Part 1
  • 29 February 09:30-12:30- Working Towards a Lectureship 

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email

To see a full list of Bristol Clear and Research in Practice workshops, please see our webpage.

Research-related events and initiatives

Bristol Women’s Mentoring Network 2024 – Call for Mentees and Mentors

Supporting academic and professional services colleagues, we are launching a new round for 2024. We are inviting:

  • New mentees (academic or professional services women or individuals who identify as female, grades J, K, L and M) to apply
  • New mentors (anyone from academic, professional services & University of Bristol Alumni, grades K, L, M & X). 
  • Returning mentors can express their interest by emailing

Please visit Bristol Women’s Mentoring Network for more details. Please circulate to any colleagues who may be interested. 

Sign up to information sessions on Develop 

Community Fellowship Opportunity – From the Personal to the Planetary: Interaction, Activism and Futures

The Brigstow Institute and Cabot Institute for the Environment are collaborating on an initiative called From the Personal to the Planetary: Interaction, Activism and Futures. The initiative seeks to activate a broad range of people and stakeholders in considering climate change and responding to the climate emergency.

  • Deadline: 10:00am, 19th February 2024
  • Funding available: £5,000 per fellowship (VAT inclusive)
  •  Number of fellowships available: a total of eight P2P Community Fellowships positions (four academic fellowships drawn from the University of Bristol only, four fellowships for those beyond the university)
  • Timescale of fellowships: fellowships begin June 2024 for 10 months with some flexibility.

Find out more about the fellowships and application process:

Invitation to attend Arts, Law and Social Sciences health & social care research networking event on Tuesday 27 February 2024

You are invited to an interdisciplinary networking event hosted by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute. This will be an opportunity for health and wellbeing researchers across the university who adopt social sciences, arts and humanities research methods to get together, learn about current research at Bristol in this space, find out what expertise is available and make new connections.

The networking event will be held in-person over lunch on Tuesday 27 February 2024, 12:00 – 14:00, in the Arts Complex, Humanities Cinema Room G.H01, 7 Woodland Road. Light lunch will be provided in the Research Space on the first floor above G.H01 and participation is free. To register please complete a short registration form by midday on Monday 19 February 2024. Full details and agenda can be found here.

Library Services New Scholarly Works Policy

Library Services are excited to announce that we have a new Scholarly Works Policy. This is an important step to ensuring free and open access to all of our research outputs, and to enabling authors to retain the rights for their work, without unnecessary admin. More information can be found on their blog, as well as their new open access pages.

The Inclusive Research Toolkit

It can be difficult to know where to begin with inclusive research. You know you want to do something… but what?

The Inclusive Research Toolkit provides a framework to start thinking about equity and inclusivity in your own research, with lots of resources, case studies and activities along the way.

How it works: The toolkit is organized into sections according to the stages of the research process. These sections each contain several key topics about different inclusive research practices. The toolkit is set up as a self-guided learning resource on Develop, and is supported through an interactive pdf workbook (which you can download and print).

Training from other providers

Research Adjacent Podcast

The Research Adjacent is a podcast that shines a light on everything that goes into making research successful, except the research. Including public engagement, knowledge exchange, outreach, project management, research communications, publishing, funding, events, training, partnerships, facilitation, and the rest.

Too often, all we hear about are the researchers and the research outputs. Well, not here! In the podcast Sarah McLusky talks to amazing research-adjacent professionals about what they do and why it makes a difference. Tune in to find out why we think the research-adjacent space is where the real magic happens.

Listen now!

Bristol Clear Bulletin- 19th January

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team, bristol-clear

Focus on

Prosper: Reflect on your career journey

Prosper is a portal filled to the brim with resources for postdocs, managers of researchers and institutions to aid researcher career development.  

Start thinking about your career development journey and look at the skills, values and interests you possess with self-assessment tools and exercises to explore your identity and skill set.   

Action for you: Check out the resources, identify 1-2 you would like to do, set aside a bit of time and Reflect  

In the next bulletin, we will focus on “Explore”

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 24 January 10:30-12:30- An Introduction to Policy Engagement
  • 25 January 14:00-15:00- Introduction to Research Compliance 
  • 31 January 10:00-11:00- Introduction to Research Contracts
  • 05 February 11:00-12:00- Drop in Q&A on the Research Project Life Cycle 
  • 05 February 10:00-12:30- Bristol Clear 1:1s
  • 06 February 14:00-15:00- Introduction to Post-Award research finance – monitoring and budgeting 
  • 08 February 10:30-12:30- Advanced influencing policy:​ How to engage with policymakers and the policy-making process  
  • 09 February 09:30-12:30- Engaged Research: why and how to embed Public Engagement in your research (in person)
  • 13 February 09:30-13:00- Narrative CV writing workshop (in person)
  • 20 February 11:00-12:00- An introduction to Public Engagement with Research: involving the public in your research
  • 27 February 10:00-11:30- Intro to Research Funding [Sci+Eng]
  • 27 February 09:30-12:00- Managing Research Teams (in person)
  • 28 February 14:00-15:00- Intro to Research Funding [FHS+FLS]
  • 28 February 09:30-13:00- Healthy and Sustainable Writing Habits- Part 1
  • 29 February 09:30-12:30- Working Towards a Lectureship 

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email

To see a full list of Bristol Clear and Research in Practice workshops, please see our webpage.

Research-related events and initiatives

The Broadening Horizons mentoring programme – EOI deadline extended to 1st February 2024!

Aiming to support early career researchers with their professional development and raise awareness of the skills and mindset needed to translate discoveries into practical application for societal benefit. It does this by connecting mentees with mentors from industry, policy and the third sector. The programme is free and runs from February to September 2024, and gives mentees exposure to opportunities in translating research and provides tools, knowledge and guidance.

To know more about the programme please visit the Broadening Horizons website here or access our comprehensive programme Information pack here.

Community Fellowship Opportunity – From the Personal to the Planetary: Interaction, Activism and Futures

The Brigstow Institute and Cabot Institute for the Environment are collaborating on an initiative called From the Personal to the Planetary: Interaction, Activism and Futures. The initiative seeks to activate a broad range of people and stakeholders in considering climate change and responding to the climate emergency.

  • Deadline: 10:00am, 19th February 2024
  • Funding available: £5,000 per fellowship (VAT inclusive)
  •  Number of fellowships available: a total of eight P2P Community Fellowships positions (four academic fellowships drawn from the University of Bristol only, four fellowships for those beyond the university)
  • Timescale of fellowships: fellowships begin June 2024 for 10 months with some flexibility.

Find out more about the fellowships and application process:

Invitation to attend Arts, Law and Social Sciences health & social care research networking event on Tuesday 27 February 2024

You are invited to an interdisciplinary networking event hosted by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute. This will be an opportunity for health and wellbeing researchers across the university who adopt social sciences, arts and humanities research methods to get together, learn about current research at Bristol in this space, find out what expertise is available and make new connections.

The networking event will be held in-person over lunch on Tuesday 27 February 2024, 12:00 – 14:00, in the Arts Complex, Humanities Cinema Room G.H01, 7 Woodland Road. Light lunch will be provided in the Research Space on the first floor above G.H01 and participation is free. To register please complete a short registration form by midday on Monday 19 February 2024. Full details and agenda can be found here.

Library Services New Scholarly Works Policy

Library Services are excited to announce that we have a new Scholarly Works Policy. This is an important step to ensuring free and open access to all of our research outputs, and to enabling authors to retain the rights for their work, without unnecessary admin. More information can be found on their blog, as well as their new open access pages.

EBI Lunchtime LINKS: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in research projects

What EDI aspects do you need to consider when planning a research project?

Join the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute to discuss:

  • What EDI looks like in the dissemination of results
  • Tools and resources that are available
  • Current examples of best practice in research environments.

There will also be a book launch! Talks will be followed by a light networking lunch.

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12.00-13.30 in the Verdon Smith room in Royal Fort House. Find further information and book here

The Inclusive Research Toolkit

It can be difficult to know where to begin with inclusive research. You know you want to do something… but what?

The Inclusive Research Toolkit provides a framework to start thinking about equity and inclusivity in your own research, with lots of resources, case studies and activities along the way.

How it works: The toolkit is organized into sections according to the stages of the research process. These sections each contain several key topics about different inclusive research practices. The toolkit is set up as a self-guided learning resource on Develop, and is supported through an interactive pdf workbook (which you can download and print).

Training from other providers: Research Culture Uncovered Series

In this episode of the Research Culture Uncovered Series- The Bee’s Knees: Uncovering the Secrets of Research Culture in the Hive Ged Hall talks to Dr Vicki Jenneson and Dr Fran Pontin.

The main points from the discussion include:

  • The significance of collaborative work across professional and academic teams and the advantages of building networks in conducting impactful research, as noted by Vicki.
  • The importance of communicating complex data science methods and results in a clear, convincing manner to non-data scientists. This is a skill that Vicki and Fran emphasize can make a significant difference in the impact of research.

But the most importantly take away is that early career researchers can and do contribute significantly to the generation of prize winning and important impact.

Listen now!

Bristol Clear Bulletin-15th December

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team, bristol-clear

Focus on your career in 2024!

No matter where you are in your career, it is important to take time out to focus on next steps. We have workshops coming up that will help you do just that:

If you would rather do some self directed thinking, we have resources that can help facilitate this

To talk through your thoughts, why not book a 1:1?

Finally, here’s some food for thought as you recuperate over the Christmas period… Hugh Kearns argues in this article that researchers need to give themselves (and others) a break from their critical thinking and offers recommendations for breaking “the cycle of criticism”. Is this something that you spot in yourself? How is this influencing the way you think about your career opportunities?”

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 10 January 13:30-16:30- Being Strategic about your Career as a Researcher 
  • 11 January 10:00-13:00- Presenting with Confidence for Researchers
  • 12 January 09:30-12:30- Communicating your research to a wider audience
  • 15 January 09:30-16:30 – Project Management Tools for Managing Your Research Project- waiting list available
  • 16 January 10:00-13:00- Developing Your Career Plan 
  • 18 January 09:00-17:00 –Writers’ Retreat 
  • 24 January 10:30-12:30- An Introduction to Policy Engagement
  • 25 January 14:00-15:00- Introduction to Research Compliance 
  • 31 January 10:00-11:00- Introduction to Research Contracts

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email

To see a full list of Bristol Clear and Research in Practice workshops, please see our webpage.

Research-related events and initiatives

Library Services New Scholarly Works Policy

Library Services are excited to announce that we have a new Scholarly Works Policy. This is an important step to ensuring free and open access to all of our research outputs, and to enabling authors to retain the rights for their work, without unnecessary admin. More information can be found on their blog, as well as their new open access pages.

Skills every earlier career academic needs

From how to get published to how to get promoted, early career academics and researchers require a slew of skills that stretch far beyond the lab or the lecture theatre. This collection of resources by Times Higher Education covers career advice, networking, working internationally, funding and grant applications, mentoring, time management, staying well and strategies to navigate the complex world of academia.

EBI Lunchtime LINKS: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in research projects

What EDI aspects do you need to consider when planning a research project?

Join the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute to discuss:

  • What EDI looks like in the dissemination of results
  • Tools and resources that are available
  • Current examples of best practice in research environments.

There will also be a book launch! Talks will be followed by a light networking lunch.

Wednesday 31 January 2024 from 12.00-13.30 in the Verdon Smith room in Royal Fort House.

Find further information and book here

The Inclusive Research Toolkit

It can be difficult to know where to begin with inclusive research. You know you want to do something… but what?

The Inclusive Research Toolkit provides a framework to start thinking about equity and inclusivity in your own research, with lots of resources, case studies and activities along the way.

How it works: The toolkit is organized into sections according to the stages of the research process. These sections each contain several key topics about different inclusive research practices. The toolkit is set up as a self-guided learning resource on Develop, and is supported through an interactive pdf workbook (which you can download and print).

Training from other providers: Research Impact and Citation Metrics

Join the Library Research Support team for an one-hour workshop where they will cover

  • What are research indicators?
  • What can citation metrics tell us? What can’t they tell us?
  • Metrics for Researchers, articles. journals and institutions
  • Contextualising metrics
  • Support available

26 January 11:00-12:00

Check the Library webpage for more details

Merry Christmas and happy New Year from everyone at Bristol Clear!!

Bristol Clear Bulletin-01st December

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team, bristol-clear

 This week we’re focusing on

Research Culture Strategy – invitation to get involved

A strategic plan is currently being developed for research culture at the University that outlines our vision for the future, and how we will get there and measure success. The team are seeking views from all staff and students that hold a research relevant role (this includes both academic, professional services and PGRs) on your vision of the future. You can get involved with the consultation either in person or online. No prior knowledge is required. For details and to sign up, see the Research Culture Strategy page for details.

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 06 December 14:00-15:30- Intro to Research Funding [Sci+Eng] (online)
  • 06 December 14:00-15:00- Intro to Writing a Grant Proposal [Arts+SSL]
  • 07 December 10:30-12:00- An Introduction to policy engagement (online)
  • 13 December 14:00-15:00- Intro to Writing a Grant Proposal [Sci+Eng] 
  • 10 January 13:30-16:30- Being Strategic about your Career as a Researcher 
  • 11 January 10:00-13:00- Presenting with Confidence for Researchers
  • 12 January 09:30-12:30- Communicating your research to a wider audience
  • 15 January 09:30-16:30 – Project Management Tools for Managing Your Research Project 
  • 16 January 10:00-13:00- Developing Your Career Plan 
  • 18 January 09:00-17:00 –Writers’ Retreat 

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email

To see a full list of Bristol Clear and Research in Practice workshops, please see our webpage.

Research-related events and initiatives

Reintroducing People Development at the University of Bristol

‘People Development’ is the new name of the team previously known as Staff Development. Accordant with the name change, a new team structure will bring together the ‘Academic Staff Development’ and ‘Professional Services Staff Development’ sub-teams under one shared banner. Team members will now be known as ‘partners’ to reflect the collaborative way in which they work with individuals, teams and the organisation.

The People Development team will continue to deliver the same broad and valued portfolio of skills and careers development for the University’s different staff groups, whilst also maximising opportunities to operate jointly across these communities. The team changes have been introduced to align with the 2030 strategy and, specifically, to contribute to the ‘Inspiring and Supporting our People’ sub-strategy.

Simon Swales, Head of People Development (Programmes and Projects), said, ‘This strategic evolution of the People Development team will maximise our resources and exemplify collaborative working whilst also maintaining our targeted interventions for both academics and professional services staff where needed. It embeds our core purpose, which is to support everyone at the University to thrive and develop to their full potential, and to ensure the University has the skills and talent it needs to deliver its strategy.’

A new intranet site reflecting the team changes is currently under construction and will be live soon. In the meantime, staff can still access the full development offer as normal via Develop.

Early Career Scientists Symposium

This is an online event tailored towards PhD students, postdocs and other early career scientists who are keen to find out about the breadth of opportunities open to them, both within academia and commercial industry. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to attend a Career Management Strategy Masterclass and participate in a Q&A roundtable, providing an opportunity to discuss topics directly with the speakers.

For more event information and timings, please visit the event webpage.

11th-15th December

The Inclusive Research Toolkit

It can be difficult to know where to begin with inclusive research. You know you want to do something… but what?

The Inclusive Research Toolkit provides a framework to start thinking about equity and inclusivity in your own research, with lots of resources, case studies and activities along the way.

How it works: The toolkit is organized into sections according to the stages of the research process. These sections each contain several key topics about different inclusive research practices. The toolkit is set up as a self-guided learning resource on Develop, and is supported through an interactive pdf workbook (which you can download and print).

Training from other providers: Essentials of working with sensitive research data

Are you conducting or planning to conduct research using ethically sensitive data?

Join the Library Research Support team for an one-hour workshop where they will cover

  • what counts as sensitive data
  • data management plans for dealing with sensitive data
  • how to structure consent and participant information sheets to enable later data sharing
  • online data collection risks and tools to mitigate these
  • approaches for sharing sensitive data, including use of the University’s research data repository, data.bris.

14 December 11:00-12:00

Check the Library webpage for more details

Bristol Clear Bulletin-17th November

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team, bristol-clear

 This week we’re focusing on


As an early career researcher, you are often told that networking is essential for advancing your career and job prospects, but how do you proactively develop your network? How do you discover what network contacts are available to you? 

Join Dr David Jones for this online workshop where you will learn what networking is, and what it isn’t. How to find contacts. How to incorporate networking into your career planning and so much more!

Enrol onto Networking for Researchers: a strategic approach

Tuesday 28th November 09:30-12:30

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 21 November 10:30-12:00- Advanced influencing policy: How to engage with policymakers and the policy-making process
  • 22 November 14:00-15:30- Intro to Research Funding [Arts+SSL] (online)
  • 23 November 13:00-16:30- Narrative CV writing bootcamp (online)
  • 28 November 09:30-14:30- Networking for Researchers- A strategic approach
  • 29 November-06 December 11:30-15:30- Project Management Techniques for Planning your Research (2-part webinar) 
  • 29 November 10:00-12:30- Working Towards a Fellowship [Sci+Eng]
  • 29 November 13:00-16:30- Narrative CV writing bootcamp (in person)
  • 30 November 11:00-12:00- Introduction to Research Ethics (online)
  • 06 December 14:00-15:30- Intro to Research Funding [Sci+Eng] (online)

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email

To see a full list of Bristol Clear and Research in Practice workshops, please see our webpage.

Research-related events and initiatives

Building productive relationships with Industry: An Enterprise Masterclass with Rowena Innocent
Join Aegis Professor Rowena Innocent to discuss  her career and share examples, successes and failures of crossing the chasm from research to product adoption. Reflecting on the pace of change in industry, the world in general, and how that is shaping the relationship with academia.

Rowena has worked in industry for 30 years leading science and engineering teams internationally across a wide variety of sectors and has extensive experience of research and product development across a variety of industries and technologies.

Sign up on Develop

30th November 10:00-12:00 in Clifton Hill House

Broadening Horizons Cross-Company Mentoring Programme for Early-Career Researchers

The aim of Broadening Horizons is to support early career researchers with their professional development and raise awareness of the skills and mindset needed to translate discoveries into practical application for societal benefit. It does this by connecting mentees with mentors from industry, policy and the third sector. The programme runs from January to September 2024, and gives mentees exposure to opportunities in translating research and provides tools, knowledge and guidance.

To know more about the programme please visit the Broadening Horizons website  or access the comprehensive programme Information pack here.

To register your interest, please complete this expression of interest form.

The Inclusive Research Toolkit

It can be difficult to know where to begin with inclusive research. You know you want to do something… but what?

The Inclusive Research Toolkit provides a framework to start thinking about equity and inclusivity in your own research, with lots of resources, case studies and activities along the way.

How it works: The toolkit is organized into sections according to the stages of the research process. These sections each contain several key topics about different inclusive research practices. The toolkit is set up as a self-guided learning resource on Develop, and is supported through an interactive pdf workbook (which you can download and print).

BBI Innovation Training Programme

The Bristol BioDesign Institute  is looking for ECRs with a keen interest in learning the fundamentals of innovation and research commercialisation, to join our Innovation Training Programme. Monthly training sessions, running from January-June 2024, will cover a range of topics.

In addition, participants will be matched with an industry-based mentor, to gain exposure to industry and to access the broader community and ecosystem.

For more information and to sign up, please check their website or get in touch with Kerstin Kinkelin. Deadline for registration is 26th November 2023.

Training from other providers: Reference management: EndNote Online Workshop

Do you need help to gather and organise your references?

Join the Library Research Support team as they introduce you to the EndNote system which allows you to gather, organise and cite references in various  processors whilst automatically creating a bibliography.

01 December, 14:00 – 01 December, 15:00

Check the Library webpage for more details

Bristol Clear Bulletin- 03rd November

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team, bristol-clear

 This week we’re focusing on
The Inclusive Research Toolkit

It can be difficult to know where to begin with inclusive research. You know you want to do something… but what?

The Inclusive Research Toolkit provides a framework to start thinking about equity and inclusivity in your own research, with lots of resources, case studies and activities along the way.

How it works: The toolkit is organized into sections according to the stages of the research process. These sections each contain several key topics about different inclusive research practices. The toolkit is set up as a self-guided learning resource on Develop, and is supported through an interactive pdf workbook (which you can download and print).

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 06 November 10:00-12:00- LinkedIn for Researchers: Simple steps to extend your research network 
  • 06 November 10:00-11:30- Bristol Clear mentoring scheme induction session 
  • 07 November 14:00-15:00- Introduction to Research Data (online)
  • 07 November 10:00-11:30- Bristol Clear mentoring scheme induction session
  • 08-21 November 09:30-13:00- Healthy and Sustainable Productivity Habits (2 parts) Waiting list 
  • 13 November 09:30-12:00- Discovering Career Support for Researchers at Bristol 
  • 14 November 10:00-13:00- Interview Confidence
  • 14 November 10:00-13:00- Bristol Clear 1:1s
  • 15 November 11:00-12:00- An Introduction to Public Engagement with Research: involving the public in your research (online)
  • 22 November 14:00-15:30- Intro to Research Funding [Arts+SSL] (online)
  • 28 November 09:30-14:30- Networking for Researchers- A strategic approach
  • 29 November-06 December 11:30-15:30- Project Management Techniques for Planning your Research (2-part webinar) 
  • 29 November 10:00-12:30- Working Towards a Fellowship [Sci+Eng]
  • 30 November 11:00-12:00- Introduction to Research Ethics (online)
  • 06 December 14:00-15:30- Intro to Research Funding [Sci+Eng] (online)

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email

To see a full list of Bristol Clear and Research in Practice workshops, please see our webpage.

Research-related events and initiatives

Developing a Model for Inclusive Collaborative Research

The University of Liverpool has joined forces with Advance HE and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to launch the Thrive project – a two-year project funded by Research England to develop and define a new model of team-based working to encourage greater diversity and inclusivity in research teams. This is your chance to contribute to the co-development of a new model for team-based research collaboration.

Tuesday 14 November 2023, 10:00-12:30pm

Limited spaces available – book online today.

Enter the GW4 Open Research Prize and Early Career Publishing Prize 2023 – deadline extended to 14th November

The GW4 Open Research Prize is open to submissions from all researchers (including postgraduate research students and early career researchers), in all disciplines, across the GW4 Alliance universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter.  

A prize of £250 is available for entries who can best demonstrate open research practices in each of the following four categories:

  1. Widening Reach Prize
  2. Improving Quality Prize
  3. Poster session Prize
  4. GW4 Early Career Publishing Prize

Click here for information on the prize categories. For information on how to enter the GW4 Open Research and GW4 Early Career Publishing Prizes, please visit the University of Bristol’s Open Research Prize webpages – or email – where you will also find detailed eligibility and submission criteria. where you will also find detailed eligibility and submission criteria. 

You are invited to attend a focus group on Thursday 16th November, 12:00-13:30

Bristol Clear, together with Beeston Media, is producing a short animated film about Bristol Clear. To make the film’s message as relevant as possible, we would like to hear about your views on career development as a researcher.
Lunch will be provided.
To sign up, please use this form. Please let me know you are coming by Friday 3rd November.

Would you like to shape how we manage research?

The People Development Team is currently recruiting for two roles focusing on effective practices in people management with a specific focus on research performance and working across our research community. Both roles will contribute to a portfolio of activities that embed the University’s expectations for research impact, excellence and quality. Specifically, to ensure that research is reviewed regularly and consistently.

People Development Partner
Senior People Development Partner

Both roles are open ended with fixed funding until 31/07/2025. Applicants looking for part time hours would also be considered. For informal queries please contact Kathryn Miller,, or Simon Swales,

Recognising Diverse Contributions to Research- NEW STORIES ADDED!

Part of the Enhancing Research Culture work led by Prof. Marcus Munafò, these stories showcase the unique contribution made by professional services staff and technicians to research endeavour spanning departments across the university, enhancing visibility and highlighting the value of this work.

It aims to promote a one-team mentality between researchers, technicians and professional staff, recognising their valuable contributions to research activity as a group, and to to increase awareness of how rewarding and fulfilling career options for professional services staff within research are. This year 7 new stories have been added. Discover more about the work and research via the Enhancing Research Culture SharePoint page.

Training from other providers: Research Impact and Citation Metrics Workshop

Did you know that The Library Research Support team are running a Research Impact and Citation Metrics workshop?

This one-hour workshop provides an introduction into research indicators such as the h-index, Journal Impact Factor, and other citation-based metrics, and how these can be used to provide insight into research impact.

7 November 2023, 11.00 AM – 7 November 2023, 12.00 PM

Check the Library webpage for more details

Bristol Clear Bulletin- 13th October

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team,

This week we’re focusing on


If you’re finding it difficult to secure time to write, then our upcoming Writing Retreat might be your answer. Not only will it give you a whole day to write, but by supporting you to explore when and how you write best throughout that day, it can help you to begin to add structured writing time into your daily schedule. As it takes place on the 31st October, it will be Halloween themed!

To further explore how to establish good writing practices, why not apply for a place on the 2024 Academic Writing Programme. It is a free programme running from March-June 2024 that combines regular training with a practical commitment to practice structured writing time and develop writing habits. Applications open end of October.

Here are a few reading tips, if you would like to explore this topic further:

Write No Matter What: Advice for Academics by Joli Jensen
How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing by Paul Silvia
Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write by Helen Sword

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 17 October 10:00-12:30- Bristol Clear 1:1s 
  • 17 October 11:00-12:00- Intro to Research Funding [FHS & FLS]
  • 30 October 10:00-12:30- Bristol Clear 1:1s
  • 31 October 09:15-17:00- Writing Retreat (in person and online)
  • 31 October 10:00-11:30- Bristol Clear mentoring scheme induction session 
  • 01 November 10:00-11:30- Bristol Clear mentoring scheme induction session 
  • 02 November 09:30- 12:00- How to Peer Review Manuscripts for Journals
  • 06 November 10:00-12:00- LinkedIn for Researchers: Simple steps to extend your research network 
  • 06 November 10:00-11:30- Bristol Clear mentoring scheme induction session 
  • 07 November 10:00-11:30- Bristol Clear mentoring scheme induction session
  • 08-21 November 09:30-13:00- Healthy and Sustainable Productivity Habits (2 parts)
  • 13 November 09:30-12:00- Discovering Career Support for Researchers at Bristol 
  • 14 November 10:00-13:00- Interview Confidence

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email

Research-related events and initiatives


Recognising Diverse Contributions to Research- NEW STORIES ADDED!

Part of the Enhancing Research Culture work led by Prof. Marcus Munafò, these stories showcase the unique contribu

tion made by professional services staff and technicians to research endeavour spanning departments across the university, enhancing visibility and highlighting the value of this work.

It aims to promote a one-team mentality between researchers, technicians and professional staff, recognising their valuable contributions to research activity as a group, and to to increase awareness of how rewarding and fulfilling career options for professional services staff within research are. This year 7 new stories have been added. Discover more about the work and research via the Enhancing Research Culture SharePoint page.

Bristol Clear Mentoring Scheme – mentee applications open

The scheme is now open for you to sign up, and we are looking for applications from early career researchers across all faculties. By joining the scheme as a mentee you’ll gain access to academics from across the university who are outside of your own discipline, to enable you to have mentoring conversations that are honest and impartial. Your mentor will support you to think about where you are now and how to move forward in whatever direction you choose, either in academia or elsewhere.

The first stage is to attend an information session. You can book your place on one of the sessions here. More information can be found on our webpages. Deadline to sign up is 27 October.

Policy Mapping Workshop for Early-Mid Career Research Staff in Science and Engineering

The Prepare for Impact programme will deliver this session with PolicyBristol. Through practical activities, you will:

  • Identify the stakeholders relevant to your research
  • Understand their motivations and perspectives
  • Explore the tools you can use to develop an engagement strategy

Tuesday 14 November 2 to 3:30 pm

Email to register for November or future sessions.

Industry & Commercial Impact workshop for early-mid career research staff in Science and Engineering

Thi workshop will enable you to:

  • Listen to researchers sharing their experiences of delivering real world impacts;
  • Explore how these experiences might be applied to your own research;
  • Engage with speakers and specialist staff from the Science Partnership and Industrial Liaison offices, DREI and PolicyBristol;
  • Ask questions, discuss your ideas and find out about opportunities and resources that can support you on your impact journey.

Industry & Commercial Impact, Monday 20 November 1:30 to 3 pm

Email to register or hear more about this series.

Training from other providers: The Research Data Service

Did you know that The Research Data Service offers help with data management plans and provides data management for research staff? 

Check the managing research data page to find out more about their interactive bootcamp tutorial and GW4 Research Data Management management Triage Tool

Bristol Clear Bulletin-29th September

Your development matters!

Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team,

This week we’re focussing on

Bristol Clear 1:1s

Do you have a work-related issue that you would like to talk through with someone? Or would you like to take some time to review your career options?

Bristol Clear offer 30-minute coaching-style sessions to researchers on Pathway 2 to give you an opportunity to talk through work/career issues with an impartial member of the Bristol Clear team. 

These sessions give you the space to reflect and consider solutions.

Researchers who have made use of our offer have fed back that they value the opportunity to talk through their issue and feel an enhanced clarity about what next steps to take.

Book an appointment now!

Upcoming workshops

Places are now available on the following workshops:

  • 17 October 10:00-12:30- Bristol Clear 1:1s 
  • 30 October 10:00-12:30- Bristol Clear 1:1s
  • 31 October 09:15-17:00- Writing Retreat (in person and online)
  • 02 November 09:30- 12:00- How to Peer Review Manuscripts for Journals
  • 13 November 09:30-12:00- Discovering Career Support for Researchers at Bristol 
  • 14 November 10:00-13:00- Interview Confidence

To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles.

To book a place when registration has closed, please email

Research-related events and initiatives

An Introduction to Co-Produced Research

Do you want to find out more about co-produced research? Thinking of applying to Brigstow for seedcorn funding?

Join Brigstow and Hannah Mumby for a workshop to explore how to use co-produced approaches in research. This event is aimed at anyone wanting to find out about co-produced research and who might also be thinking of applying for seedcorn funding from Brigstow.
More information and registration.

Wed, 4 Oct 2023 12:30 – 16:00. Room 1.68, Queen’s Building, University Walk Bristol BS8 1TR

How Can We Improve Research Culture at Bristol

If you have a suggestion, or any thoughts or comments about research culture at Bristol, let us know through this suggestions box.
Contact: If you’d like to discuss research culture, get in touch with Marcus Munafò, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research Culture at

Enhancing Research Culture: post-project case studies

Over 30 research projects were funded by Research England to enhance the research culture at the University. These projects are now reaching their conclusion, and the Enhancing Research Culture team are looking forward to sharing further information on their findings over the next couple of months. Three project case studies are now available to read: Untold Stories – Challenging research behaviours for study of the past; The Inclusive Research Collective; and Supporting Neurodivergent Research Culture. To learn more, visit the Enhancing Research Culture website.

Training from other providers: Library Research Support 

Did you know that Library Research Support offers live training workshops for researchers?

Check the library events page to book a place on a scheduled event, or contact the Research Support mailbox if you’d like the team to run an event for your research group.

Bristol Clear Bulletin- 15th September

Bristol Clear logo

Friday 15th September 2023

Your development matters!
Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team,

In this bulletin:

UKNPAW 2023- Creating connections and rediscovering joy
Training from other providers

UKNPAW 2023- Creating connections and rediscovering joy

What is a “Postdoc”?

How similar/different is this across different disciplines, and with the increased focus on interdisciplinary research, how can we communicate and connect across divides?

Starting with a take on the nuances of words by best-selling author and comedian Dave Chawner (, followed by conversations and discussion panel led by Prof Ian Sabroe and Dr Dieter Declercq, hosts of the podcast ‘Conversations about Arts, Humanities and Health’, on how to create collaborative environments, break preconceived ideologies, and rediscover the joy that drives us forward with what we do! On the panel will be researchers Dr Claire Burridge (University of Sheffield, history of health and medicine), Dr Élaina Gauthier-Mamaril (University of Edinburgh, philosophy and bioethics), and Dr Mukti Sigh (University of Manchester, protein structure and function).

When: 18th September, 10.30am (expected run time around 1.5 hours, the event will close latest at 12.30pm)

How: Register here

Remember you can catch up on previous recorded events as well! Check out the website

person holding a megaphone


Changes to how researchers are costed, appointed and developed

The University published principles and guidance on how Research Associates (RAs) and Senior Research Associates (SRAs) are costed on project proposals, and on how roles are designed with scope for development. The key principles are:

  • Identify what type of researcher role a project requires
  • If in doubt, cost researcher roles at Grade J/level b as a minimum
  • Engage with role profiles to recruit to the right level
  • Design roles with scope for development

Connected to the principles and guidance is the change from the process of “Movement from Level a to b” to Promotion up to Senior Lecturer / Senior Research Fellow from 1st April 2024. In the interim period, all line managers of RAs (grade I/ level a) are encouraged to review if the role and responsibilities of the RA are still commensurate with the role profile a for RAs, or if they actually align with the role profile b for SRAs. If the latter is the case, line managers can make a case for Movement from Level a to b for their RA  by  completing and submitting this form until 31st October 2023.

Forging Successful Collaborations with Industry: An Enterprise Masterclass with Anke Te

Are you engaged with industry or enterprise activity? Would you like to get some advice and guidance on how to build effective partnerships? If so then this event might be of interest:

Anike is the Chief Strategy Officer and member of the Strategy Management Group of Lucideon, an international materials design, development, and commercialisation consultancy. In this global-facing role, Anike advises Lucideon on long-term strategic direction and how to develop and commercialise key new activities around technology trends and drivers of the future. As an Aegis Professor for Engineering Biology at the University of Bristol, Anike helps to facilitate cross-disciplinary and collaborative working. She works with the Bristol BioDesign Institute (BBI) as industrial advisor for the translation of synthetic and engineering biology to applications in industry.

Anike has a wide range of experiences in different sectors and positions, various leadership roles and an extensive international network across a variety of industries, academia, and institutions. In this Enterprise Masterclass, Anike will discuss her career and experience working in various sectors and positions, the importance of partnerships between universities and industry, and how to develop successful partnerships.

Thursday 28th September 10:15- 13:00, Beacon House BS8 1SE. Room 4.06

You can secure your place via eventbrite

Please send any queries relating to this event to

Career Journeys: discovering careers outside of academia- 28th September
If you’re considering how to progress your career outside of academia and would like to hear from others who have done just this, then this event is for you!
This informal session is focused on the speaker’s personal stories which demonstrate a variety of approaches of transitioning their career from being an academic to using their skills and experience working in a different field.

This month’s speaker will be Dr Jenny Oliver:

  • Jenny completed an undergraduate master’s in pharmacology (with industry placement year) and PhD at Bath University, before undertaking a 3-year laboratory-based postdoctoral research position at Keele University.
  • She joined Bristol University in 2010 as a Research Coordinator for the Bristol (Children’s) Vaccine Centre where she was initially responsible for facilitating several paediatric vaccine trials and establishing the Immunity and Infection Research Tissue Bank. As the team grew, she took on more managerial responsibilities, overseeing staff as well as research projects, and handling all operational aspects from feasibility assessments through to study completion.
  • Jenny now leads the research support team (“admin team”) arm of the Bristol Vaccine Centre, currently consisting of some 50+ staff, and manages the financial, HR and operational planning across all BVC areas.

Thursday 28th September 12:00-13:00, online

Sign up on Develop now!

An Introduction to Co-Produced Research

Do you want to find out more about co-produced research? Thinking of applying to Brigstow for seedcorn funding?

Join Brigstow and Hannah Mumby for a workshop to explore how to use co-produced approaches in research. This event is aimed at anyone wanting to find out about co-produced research and who might also be thinking of applying for seedcorn funding from Brigstow.
More information and registration.

Wed, 4 Oct 2023 12:30 – 16:00. Room 1.68, Queen’s Building, University Walk Bristol BS8 1TR

How can we improve research culture at Bristol

If you have a suggestion, or any thoughts or comments about research culture at Bristol, let us know through this suggestions box.
Contact: If you’d like to discuss research culture, get in touch with Marcus Munafò, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research Culture at

Research Culture Uncovered Series

Leeds University are posting weekly podcasts on all matters relating to research culture. During these conversations, Research Culture Uncovered will be asking what is Research Culture and why does it matter?

Recent episodes include:

  • Industrial Research Fellowship and the Research Co-Culture podcast
  • The Future of Research Impact Culture
  • The Research Adjacents

See all Research Culture Uncovered Podcasts– also on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and Google

Enhancing Research Culture: post-project case studies

Over 30 research projects were funded by Research England to enhance the research culture at the University. These projects are now reaching their conclusion, and the Enhancing Research Culture team are looking forward to sharing further information on their findings over the next couple of months. Three project case studies are now available to read: Untold Stories – Challenging research behaviours for study of the past; The Inclusive Research Collective; and Supporting Neurodivergent Research Culture. To learn more, visit the Enhancing Research Culture website.

Training From Other Providers

Follow the link above for details on online training courses currently available

Bristol Clear Bulletin- 14th July

Bristol Clear logo

Friday 14th July 2023

Your development matters!
Issued every fortnight, this bulletin for Researchers at Bristol brings you the latest news about personal and career development opportunities, both from inside and outside of the University.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the Bristol Clear team,

In this bulletin:

Last Chance to Book Onto These Upcoming Bristol Clear Opportunities Before Summer!
Training from other providers

picture of glasses on a beach

Last Chance to Book Onto These Bristol Clear  Opportunities Before Summer!

Even though the end of the academic year is fast approaching, there is still time to enrol onto the below upcoming opportunities:

Working Towards a Fellowship [Arts & SSL]- Tuesday 18th July 
This session will cover:

  • What is a fellowship? Why aim for a fellowship?
  • What are funders looking for?
  • What is missing on your track record to make you competitive for a fellowship application?
  • What do you need to do to build your track record?

Writers’ Retreat- Thursday 20th July 
Join Dr Pam Lock, (lecturer in the English Department at Bristol) for a full day Writers’ Retreat. This Retreat gives participants the opportunity to devote a whole day to writing in a quiet, structured and supportive atmosphere. There will be some short discussions on good writing practice and how to approach your writing as a professional task but the vast majority of the day will be devoted to writing without distraction.

person holding a megaphone


How can we improve research culture at Bristol
If you have a suggestion, or any thoughts or comments about research culture at Bristol, let us know through this suggestions box.
Contact: If you’d like to discuss research culture, get in touch with Marcus Munafò, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research Culture at

Explore: Financial Innovation for Early Career Researchers 31 July – 2 August 
SETsquared Bristol are running another fantastic Explore programme (formally Innovation Lab). The training is open to any research staff, and we are particularly keen to attract interdisciplinary teams.

The Explore programme provides immersive training with the opportunity for participants to get industrial experience and develop their problem-solving skills by helping solve real-world company problems.  There are 18 places available, and participants will be formed into multi-disciplinary teams (3-4 people) to work in depth with an SME or corporate team on a business challenge. The company problems will be related to supporting and advancing Financial Innovation technologies. The Explore programme is open to all UOB research staff.   This programme takes place in person over three days at Engine Shed in Bristol from 31 July – 2 August 2023 

To apply, please fill in this brief form by 26 July 

If you have any questions, please contact 

New BBI Innovation Programme Sign up for Prepare for Impact Mentoring
The Prepare for Impact Programme is managed by the Science Partnership Office (Faculty of Science) and the Industrial Liaison Office (Faculty of Engineering). Its aim is to help early – mid career researchers make a real difference with their work by connecting them to industry and other research users. The programme offers mentoring, talks, skills training and networking opportunities. The externally-led mentoring programme is kicking off for another round in September, and we’d love you to join. You will be matched with a mentor from industry or policy and ~ 5 academic colleagues from the Faculties of Science and Engineering. Over the course of 3 sessions, the groups will explore: 

  • How to talk to industry and other users of research 
  • Approaches to collaborating with industry and policy makers 
  • How to think about research impact 
  • Understand what working in industry / outside academia is like – especially with respect to R&D
  • And a range of other topics, including transferrable skills, career development/aspirations, managing pressure and high workload, and work-life balance.

This is an excellent opportunity for our researchers – do sign up now by emailing the programme coordinator, Corinna Chandler at you’d like her to provide some further information or attend a team/school meeting, please get in touch.

New BBI Innovation Programme
The Bristol BioDesign Institute (BBI) is actively seeking participants to join their upcoming BBI Innovation Programme set to be launched in autumn. This programme provides University of Bristol researchers with innovation training, mentoring, and networking opportunities, as well as support to drive the translation of their research. 

The BBI is looking for researchers who 

  • work on a research project within the synthetic and engineering biology space, with a potential for translation 
  • are keen to develop their innovation skills 
  • are excited to become part of the vibrant innovation community in Bristol 

The programme is primarily aimed at postdoctoral researchers, but others with a strong interest in innovation are also welcome to apply. Please sign up via the application form by 16th July or contact Kerstin Kinkelin ( for more information. 

Research Culture Uncovered Series
Leeds University are posting weekly podcasts on all matters relating to research culture. During these conversations, Research Culture Uncovered will be asking what is Research Culture and why does it matter?

Recent episodes include:

  • How has research impact affected research culture?
  • This is How We Do It: 3 Researchers & How They Maximise LinkedIn
  • LinkedIn Tips and Strategies for Researchers

See all Research Culture Uncovered Podcasts– also on Spotify, Apple, Amazon and Google

Talk to one of our Experts in Residence!
The Impact Development Team currently host three Experts in Residence (EiRs), giving the exclusive opportunity to researchers to access free external expertise with lived experience of the translational pathways for specific modalities and indications. Our EiRs can advise researchers on – 

  •  Managing university-business collaborations 
  • Translation and commercialisation of research Entrepreneurship
  • Moving research from discovery to practical use 
  • Testing the commercial potential of an idea or proposition 

Dr Richard Seabrook (Bioinformatics, chemoinformatics and advanced therapies ), Dr Taj Mattu (Diagnostics, devices, Medtech) and Dr Sasha Siegal (Genomic surveillance, digital products and services) are available for a free consultation and support. If you are interested in setting up a meeting with one of our EiRs, please contact

Researcher support tools
The Research Application and Award Lifecycle describes the processes to follow from having an  initial idea for a research project, to securing funding, through to project delivery and using project outputs. To clarify, simplify and strengthen the current process, a suite of researcher support tools is now available on the DREI SharePoint site. These tools will be piloted until early 2023 when engagement will be reviewed with a view to rolling out permanently. If you have any questions or feedback about the tools or the wider End-to-End project, please contact the project manager:

Enhancing Research Culture: post-project case studies
Over 30 research projects were funded by Research England to enhance the research culture at the University. These projects are now reaching their conclusion, and the Enhancing Research Culture team are looking forward to sharing further information on their findings over the next couple of months. Three project case studies are now available to read: Untold Stories – Challenging research behaviours for study of the past; The Inclusive Research Collective; and Supporting Neurodivergent Research Culture. To learn more, visit the Enhancing Research Culture website.

Training From Other Providers

Follow the link above for details on online training courses currently available