Your development matters!
This week we’re focusing on
Research Culture Strategy – invitation to get involved
A strategic plan is currently being developed for research culture at the University that outlines our vision for the future, and how we will get there and measure success. The team are seeking views from all staff and students that hold a research relevant role (this includes both academic, professional services and PGRs) on your vision of the future. You can get involved with the consultation either in person or online. No prior knowledge is required. For details and to sign up, see the Research Culture Strategy page for details.
Upcoming workshops
Places are now available on the following workshops:
- 06 December 14:00-15:30- Intro to Research Funding [Sci+Eng] (online)
- 06 December 14:00-15:00- Intro to Writing a Grant Proposal [Arts+SSL]
- 07 December 10:30-12:00- An Introduction to policy engagement (online)
- 13 December 14:00-15:00- Intro to Writing a Grant Proposal [Sci+Eng]
- 10 January 13:30-16:30- Being Strategic about your Career as a Researcher
- 11 January 10:00-13:00- Presenting with Confidence for Researchers
- 12 January 09:30-12:30- Communicating your research to a wider audience
- 15 January 09:30-16:30 – Project Management Tools for Managing Your Research Project
- 16 January 10:00-13:00- Developing Your Career Plan
- 18 January 09:00-17:00 –Writers’ Retreat
To book, please sign in to Develop now and search the catalogue for these course titles. To book a place when registration has closed, please email
To see a full list of Bristol Clear and Research in Practice workshops, please see our webpage.
Research-related events and initiatives
Reintroducing People Development at the University of Bristol
‘People Development’ is the new name of the team previously known as Staff Development. Accordant with the name change, a new team structure will bring together the ‘Academic Staff Development’ and ‘Professional Services Staff Development’ sub-teams under one shared banner. Team members will now be known as ‘partners’ to reflect the collaborative way in which they work with individuals, teams and the organisation.
The People Development team will continue to deliver the same broad and valued portfolio of skills and careers development for the University’s different staff groups, whilst also maximising opportunities to operate jointly across these communities. The team changes have been introduced to align with the 2030 strategy and, specifically, to contribute to the ‘Inspiring and Supporting our People’ sub-strategy.
Simon Swales, Head of People Development (Programmes and Projects), said, ‘This strategic evolution of the People Development team will maximise our resources and exemplify collaborative working whilst also maintaining our targeted interventions for both academics and professional services staff where needed. It embeds our core purpose, which is to support everyone at the University to thrive and develop to their full potential, and to ensure the University has the skills and talent it needs to deliver its strategy.’
A new intranet site reflecting the team changes is currently under construction and will be live soon. In the meantime, staff can still access the full development offer as normal via Develop.
Early Career Scientists Symposium
This is an online event tailored towards PhD students, postdocs and other early career scientists who are keen to find out about the breadth of opportunities open to them, both within academia and commercial industry. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to attend a Career Management Strategy Masterclass and participate in a Q&A roundtable, providing an opportunity to discuss topics directly with the speakers.
For more event information and timings, please visit the event webpage.
11th-15th December
The Inclusive Research Toolkit
It can be difficult to know where to begin with inclusive research. You know you want to do something… but what?
The Inclusive Research Toolkit provides a framework to start thinking about equity and inclusivity in your own research, with lots of resources, case studies and activities along the way.
How it works: The toolkit is organized into sections according to the stages of the research process. These sections each contain several key topics about different inclusive research practices. The toolkit is set up as a self-guided learning resource on Develop, and is supported through an interactive pdf workbook (which you can download and print).
Training from other providers: Essentials of working with sensitive research data
Are you conducting or planning to conduct research using ethically sensitive data?
Join the Library Research Support team for an one-hour workshop where they will cover
- what counts as sensitive data
- data management plans for dealing with sensitive data
- how to structure consent and participant information sheets to enable later data sharing
- online data collection risks and tools to mitigate these
- approaches for sharing sensitive data, including use of the University’s research data repository, data.bris.
14 December 11:00-12:00
Check the Library webpage for more details